Gallery-Wrapped Canvas Prints

Gallery-wrapped images are printed on premier art canvas and wrapped around a 1.5" width wooden stretcher frame, arriving as a finished product (no framing necessary) ready for hanging in a home, gallery, office, or office (hanging accessories not provided). Five traditional sizes are offered with no ultraviolet (UV) protection coating.

Standard gallery-wrapped prints are printed on Fuji Hunt Satin Canvas (19 mil), a water-resistant cotton/polyester blend. UV-protective coating can be applied to prints offered in standard sizes at additional cost. This is a typical fine-art canvas and has a lifetime expectancy of at least 20 years without any supplementation.

All prints are also available in an archival-quality pH-neutral cotton canvas finished with Bulldog Ultra clear coat, providing protection from yellowing, oxidization, cracking, peeling, UV radiation, moisture, and abrasion. All gallery-wrapped images are available with the high-quality printing option, requiring custom ordering from a giclée canvas printing specialty house. Because of our ability to 'gang' multiple images onto a single piece of canvas prior to printing, a number of smaller (or one large and multiple smaller) prints may be printed at the same time, with additional images finished at minimal cost.

Because printing with the larger format option involves a set piece of canvas, pricing is based upon the maximum aspect of a given print. A portion of the canvas may be 'unused' in this process, depending on the artwork selected; this means that additional artwork can be printed on the left-over white space at absolutely minimal cost. Ordering a large panorama may leave a space where three or four smaller prints can be printed at almost zero additional cost. Please consider the maximum aspect of the prints you desire; DeepEarth will advise you as to the remainder of prints you can receive at minimal additional cost (typically less than $100 per print, finished and stretched).

BullDog's vinyl coating is a digital print protectant that provides the greatest durability and longevity available in giclée coating. BullDog Ultra™ is a solvent-based vinyl coating, which allows for incredible flexibility, bullet proof protection for water sensitive prints, and blocks 99% of ultraviolet light. Bulldog Ultra™ contains both ultraviolet absorbers (UVA's) and hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) for the maximum in UV light protection. UVA's absorb harmful UV radiation to protect the coating and substrate. HAL's inhibit the breakdown in a coatings binder by means other than absorption. With Bulldog Ultra you can expect at least a doubling of display life outdoors - and much longer indoors in a protected environment.

Prices are not currently quoted on the website due to long-term pricing instability in the market.

Finished Frame Size Standard, Frame Stretched (no UV protection) Frame Stretched (Bulldog Ultra UV protection) Maximum Aspect
11x14 Please Email See below
16x20 Please Email See below
20x24 Please Email See below
20x30 Please Email See below
24x30 Please Email See below
23x35 Not Available Please Email - Multiple Images Per Sheet Potentially Available
35x46 Not Available Please Email - Multiple Images Per Sheet Potentially Available
50x71 Not Available Please Email - Multiple Images Per Sheet Potentially Available
70x121 Not Available Please Email - Multiple Images Per Sheet Potentially Available

Kelly Bates, Photographer
All content © 2004-24 DeepEarth Photography